The installation at the basis of this element, added for 2022's long-awaited return to the festival fields, is the largest yet.
It's a whole forest, and it's comprised of the indigenous trees which used to once grow freely across the lands.
Wonderfruit partnered with SUGi, experts in the Miyawaki method of forest growing – which is based on reclaiming developed land with native flora.
As of year 1, the trees are still saplings. We explored to the original Miyawaki forest in the campus of Yokohama National University to collect trinkets of sound that formed our piece, Mori no Oto.
[Mori no Oto] Process: Sound Collecting at Yokohama National University [16 images]
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Those sounds can be explored while wondering through the forest, or to form an accompaniment for taking it all in within the "listening pods", devised by artist Thea Rae.
[Mori no Oto] Installation at Wonderfruit Festival [13 images]
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