MSCTY x Seoul

Our audio-architectural placemaking adventures sketch out the city through sound. Ft. South Korean + UK-based composers [a collaboration with British Council as part of their Connected City programme].

HomeView Project
Follow the Flow
Hannah Peel
Neon Bunny
Gabriel Prokofiev
Hanyang Nanbong-Ga
Music Group NaMu
In Numerous Rooms
Jang Young-gyu
Sound System
Steve Hellier
A Memory Conveyed by the Wind

MSCTY © 2024
All rights reserved.

MSCTY Explores new ways to experience the world through sound and space. MSCTY Creates collaboration between physical, tangible, imagined landscapes, and sonic [space is the] place; from this we seek new ways of reading the world around us. MSCTY Invites criticism; inquiry; openness; suggestion; community. MSCTY Believes that the only boundaries [the only barriers] are dogmatic constructs to be broken down! MSCTY Believes that the quality of sound environments is as critical as quality air to breathe. No less than the Phuture of Sound is at stake: 5, 8, 6, we are MSCTY!